Founded 3 April 1908, the Utah Academy of Sciences was organized “to promote investigations and diffuse knowledge in all areas of science.” Beginning 1923, the Academy started publishing the papers presented in its annual meetings in Proceedings.
In June 1933 at the annual meeting, the Academy was enlarged to include the arts and letters, and the name was changed to the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters. Articles of incorporation and nonprofit organization status were accepted by the Academy membership at the spring meeting in April 1959.
In 1977, the name of the journal of the Academy was changed from Proceedings to Encyclia. It became a refereed journal at this time. In the mid 1980s, the scope of the Academy was expanded still further to include 1) Business, 2) Education, 3) Engineering, 4) Library Information and Instruction, and 5) Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. Beginning with the 1998 issue, the journal is now The Journal of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters.
The academy bylaws can be found here.