The Journal of the Utah Academy

Each year the Academy publishes The Journal of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters. All abstracts submitted for presentation at the yearly conference, as talks or posters, are published in the journal. Additionally, all presenters are invited to submit a paper to be considered for publication in the journal based on their presentation. From among the papers submitted for review, a number are selected for publication. Each academic division may select a “best paper” from among the papers selected for publication.

If you presented a paper at the UASAL conference, you are invited to submit an article to be considered for publication in the journal.  Submissions should be sent to the Section Chair responsible for your division by June 1.  Please review the Instructions for Authors prior to submission.

The UASAL supports the highest standards of research through its academic publishing. Papers submitted to the Journal of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters will be based on the material presented at the annual conference. These papers must be unique submissions that are not substantially similar to previous work and are not under consideration for publication in another journal. Any material that has been previously published or that is under consideration for publication elsewhere (whether it has been formally accepted or not) may not be submitted for publication in the UASAL Journal. Submissions must be the original work of all authors listed on the manuscript. References made in a manuscript or article to another person’s work or idea must be credited appropriately. All research submitted for publication in the journal should follow the ethical guidelines for research in their respective field.

The Utah Academy Journal is a double-blind peer reviewed scholarly publication. It is part of both the Wilson and EBSCO database systems. This allows research published in the journal worldwide exposure and access.

The Academy includes divisions especially designated for Arts, Biological Science, Business, Education, Engineering, Humanities/Philosophy/Foreign Language, Kinesiology and Health Sciences, Languages/Literature, Physical Sciences, and the Social Sciences.

The Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters broad academic is rare among state academics. Utah is one of only four states (joining Michigan, Wisconsin and Virginia) that include a complete academic structure for all disciplines.

AI Publishing Guidelines

The Journal of The Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters does not consider artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted technologies (such as chatbots, large language models, or image creators) to meet the conditions for authorship. These technologies may not be used to generate or modify research data or results.

Appropriate uses of AI technologies may be considered only if they are part of the research design; these uses must be disclosed in detail in the cover letter and in the article’s methods section or equivalent. The authors are responsible for oversight of any submitted material that involved the use of AI-assisted technologies, including appropriate referencing of said material. The authors are ultimately responsible and accountable for the contents of the work. The use of AI-assisted tools to create or alter images in submitted manuscripts is subject to the same guidelines.

Tools that are used to improve spelling, grammar, and general editing are not included in the scope of these guidelines.

The final decision about whether use of an AI tool is appropriate or permissible in the circumstances of a submitted manuscript or a published article lies with the Board of the UASAL and the Journal’s Editor.



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